Surrey’s zero waste map
Use the map below to find locations in and around Surrey that you can use to reduce waste, reuse or repair items and recycle more.
To find where you live, enter your postcode into the search bar at the top right of the map.
To find locations to reduce, reuse, repair, recycle or donate near to you or across Surrey, click on the icon on the left hand side and select what you’re looking for from the drop down menu.
Note: some items included on the map may be recycled from home. These include batteries, small electricals, food and drink cartons, glass bottles and jars, metal tins and cans, clothes and textiles and books. Use the Surrey Recycles search tool to find out if these items can be recycled from home where you live.
To suggest changes to the map including any additional locations that could be included or locations that should be amended or removed, please contact us.