Lesson 1 – waste and the environment
Teachers in Surrey can download the lesson plan below on waste and the environment for free. The lesson plan is part of a suite of four produced in collaboration with the Young People’s Trust for the Environment. The lessons, which ideally should be delivered in sequence but also work as standalone lessons, are aimed at children in Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6).
This lesson plan includes a slide presentation (Powerpoint) and a guide document that has notes to use in conjunction with the slides, discussion points and suggested activities for each lesson (Word).
The lesson:
- Teaches children about where natural resources come from and what they are used for.
- Explains why our use of fossil fuels is a problem for the planet and what harm is being done by using them.
- Shows that individual behaviour around waste can help fight climate change by lessening our use of fossil fuels.
- Gives examples of how individuals can help including by reducing waste, recycling more, making sure food isn’t wasted and reusing and repairing items.
Download Lesson 1 – waste and the environment now.