Recycling in Surrey 2021-22 (Condensed)
A word from the SEP Chair, Cllr Marisa Heath
Recycling is a great way for residents to do something simple to help fight climate change, as the more material that is recycled the fewer resources are used to create new products.
This short report is transparent about the recycling and rubbish produced in the county and what we did with it in 2021-22. And it shows some great results! I’d like to thank Surrey residents for their help and hope that this report encourages more recycling to help fight climate change.
Surrey recycles – and does it well
Surrey ranks 3rd out of 29 for recycling with 54.4% of waste recycled. We also saw the amount of material rejected for recycling found in recycling trucks fell by 624 tonnes, which is 71.2% less than the previous year.
Recycling makes new things
Surrey’s recycling was passed on to organisations regulated by the Environment Agency. Each material was turned into something new to be used again. Material put into recycling bins is now being used in clothing, as packaging or is powering our homes. Residents can find out more about what happens to recycling by visiting the SEP website at surreyep.org.uk
Most of Surrey’s recycling and rubbish stays on our shores
In total, 89.7% of Surrey’s recycling and rubbish stayed in the UK to be recycled or treated. This is good for the environment as it means fewer resources are used and emissions created from transporting the material over long distances.
Most of Surrey’s rubbish was turned into electricity
Of all the material collected from residents in 2021-22, 43% of it was put into rubbish bins with 27.9% used to create electricity through incineration. It was then sold to the National Grid, with the income used to help run Surrey’s waste service. The remaining material that couldn’t be recycled, 15.1% of Surrey’s total waste, was sent to landfill.
Residents are producing less recycling and rubbish
We need to produce as little recycling and rubbish as possible to save resources and help the planet. In Surrey, residents produced 432kg of recycling and rubbish per person, which puts us in 11th place out of 29 in the UK and was down by 3.1% compared to the previous year.
How you can help
- Sign up to Rethink Waste from mid-June and learn how to reduce your waste. Find out more at surreyep.org.uk
- Use the Surrey Recycles search tool and app to find out the best way to dispose of your waste.
- Keep food, garden waste, electricals, batteries and textiles out of your rubbish and recycling bins. Put items into recycling bins loose.