Recycling at flats
Do you live in a flat in Surrey? If so, the materials you can recycle will vary depending on where you live.
Shared bins
Shared bins are usually larger and are a different colour to household bins. All your bins will be clearly labelled so remember to check you are putting the right items in each bin.
Recycle right
To avoid missed collections, it’s important to recycle right.
Recycling should be placed in the bin loose and not in plastic bags. Please also check that all items are recyclable, if you’re unsure what can and can’t be recycled where you live then please use our free online search tool or download the Surrey Recycles app.
If the wrong items are put in your bin, it might not get emptied. That’s because if non-recyclable items are found in your collection truck, the recycling facility could reject the whole truck load resulting in everyone’s efforts going to waste and recyclable items being thrown away.
Why recycle?
Small actions can make a big difference. Recycling is not only good for the environment, but it helps save money too. It costs less to recycle waste than it does to dispose of it and any money saved could be put towards essential services.
Turn your old items into new ones, find out more about what happens to your waste here.
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