Business recycling

Business recycling What is changing? The law is changing in England and Simpler Recycling will require businesses by 31 March 2025 to recycle the following materials: • Food waste • Paper and card • Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, and cartons • Metal tins and cans, foil and empty aerosols Who needs to act? All businesses that have 10… Continue Reading Business recycling

Celebrations with a lighter touch

Celebrations with a lighter touch Not long now until the December countdown! If you’re wondering how to take a more ‘eco approach’ this Christmas, you may like to try some of these easy ideas. You’ll reduce waste… and save money too! Christmas cards and wrapping. Don’t buy cards and wrapping with glitter, foil, a plastic lining - or batteries! They… Continue Reading Celebrations with a lighter touch

Short films about recycling

Short films about recycling We include video content in all Surrey Environment Partnership campaigns that are produced for Surrey residents. You can show these videos as part of your lessons to give children an insight into what can be recycled, the process, and why it is important. Recycling in Surrey 2022-23 What happens to your food waste in Surrey Save… Continue Reading Short films about recycling

Recycling in Surrey 2022-23

Recycling in Surrey 2022-23 Surrey residents and its councils are some of the country’s top performers when it comes to recycling and rubbish. We know this because each year we produce a report that looks at the latest available statistics on the matter. In particular, we measure ourselves on three key statistics: The proportion of material that residents threw away… Continue Reading Recycling in Surrey 2022-23

Recycling and rubbish around the county

Recycling and rubbish around the county District or borough councilRecycling and rubbish produced per person (kg)Proportion recycled, composted or reused (%)Proportion recycled, composted or reused (%) Elmbridge Borough Council377.051.371.5 Epsom & Ewell Borough Council370.854.360.8 Guildford Borough Council376.559.385.5 Mole Valley District Council378.354.271.0 Reigate & Banstead Borough Council367.455.698.1 Runnymede Borough Council328.349.672.4 Spelthorne Borough Council354.346.470.9 Surrey Heath Borough Council352.059.273.8 Tandridge District Council383.759.985.2 Waverley… Continue Reading Recycling and rubbish around the county

Surrey recycles!

Surrey recycles! Recycling is good for the planet and can help fight climate change as the more material that is turned into something new, the fewer resources are used to create and distribute new products. And in Surrey, we’re good at it! We are the 3rd highest performer of the 29 similar waste disposal authorities in England when it comes… Continue Reading Surrey recycles!

Recycling in Surrey 2021-22 contents

ContentsIntroduction by Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP) Chair, Cllr Marisa Heath Surrey recycles! What went into Surrey’s bins in 2021–22 What happens when it can’t be recycled? Recycling and rubbish around the county

Recycling in Surrey 2021-22

Recycling in Surrey 2021-22 The Recycling in Surrey 2021-22 report reveals that Surrey residents are among England’s top performers when it comes to recycling. The report analyses the latest available figures (from 2021-22) and compiles data from all SEP’s partners, the 11 district and borough councils, which collect residents’ waste, and Surrey County Council, which runs the county’s community recycling… Continue Reading Recycling in Surrey 2021-22