Community recycling centres

Community recycling centres For full information on opening dates and times, and waste types accepted at each site, please check Surrey County Council’s website. It is important to know if your garden waste is taken to a recycling centre by someone else they could be charged, as this is not a free service for commercial businesses, like paid gardeners. Make… Continue Reading Community recycling centres

Garden waste

Garden waste Garden waste like grass cuttings, hedge trimmings or fallen leaves can usually be recycled in three ways: by composting at home, subscribing to your local garden waste collection service or taking it to a community recycling centre. Your garden waste should never be thrown away as general waste, as this is bad for the environment and expensive for the tax payer.… Continue Reading Garden waste

Planning and portions

Planning and portions Planning your meals and getting your portion sizes right are two easy ways to make sure you're not wasting food. Here are some ways to help you plan and measure perfect portions: How to plan your meals Write out a weekly meal plan – and ask your family to help you come up with ideas. When writing… Continue Reading Planning and portions

Hints and tips for food

Hints and tips for food Use the categories below to view hints and tips. Why not share your food tips with us? Hints and tips categorieschoose an option ..VegetablesMeatFishFruitDairyBreadRicePastryDesertsCakesChristmasStockSaladPastaPotatoesFood waste diaryFridge/freezerGoing awayPlanningShoppingPortionsDrinksSnacksFlavourings and condimentsAdding leftovers to your minceShared by Love Food SurreyIf you have leftover vegetables like carrots, mushrooms or even peppers - try adding them to your mince. You can also… Continue Reading Hints and tips for food

Keep food fresh

Keep food fresh It's not always easy to keep your food fresh enough to eat, but there are ways to help preserve your ingredients and leftovers until you're ready to eat them. Here are some ideas for the best way to store foods like rice, dairy and meat safely; keeping your food fresher for longer. You will also find tips… Continue Reading Keep food fresh

Food waste recycling

Food waste recycling Free food waste collections are available throughout Surrey, your food waste will be collected weekly on the same day as your rubbish or recycling, by your district or borough council. To order a food caddy, find out what day your food waste is collected, to report a missed collection or order a replacement caddy, visit your local… Continue Reading Food waste recycling

Simple tips to reduce food waste

Simple tips to reduce food waste These five simple hacks can help you reduce the amount of food you waste. The payback for you is that you'll save money and help the environment. Serve the right portion Swat up on your serving sizes to ensure you cook and serve the correct portions. Learn how to plan your portions. Plan your shops… Continue Reading Simple tips to reduce food waste

Food waste

Food waste It’s best to reduce food waste where possible; a family of four could save £83 a month just by reducing the amount of food they throw away. That’s around £1,000 per year! However, sometimes waste is unavoidable. Recycling your food waste can help generate electricity to power households throughout the county, lower emissions and help make essential savings.… Continue Reading Food waste

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Reduce, reuse, recycle Many of the things we throw away haven't always reached the end of their useful life. There are many ways to reuse items, please see the links below to find out more. Mixed recycling Food Garden waste Textiles Electricals What else can I do? Schools resources Reduce waste and get rewards Recycling in Surrey 2022-23 Business Recycling

Our Strategy

Our Strategy Dealing with the huge amount of waste generated in Surrey homes is the challenging and costly job undertaken by members of the Surrey Environment Partnership. Surrey’s plan for waste management (known as the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy) outlines how we do it and on a regular basis we take a fresh look at the strategy and update… Continue Reading Our Strategy